domingo, 30 de junho de 2013

"... Because I love you"

"But I am me, and you are you. We’re Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck. The worst thing you’ve ever done, the darkest thought you ever had, I will stand by you through anything. Because I love you"

segunda-feira, 3 de junho de 2013


Serena: So, pick me up at eight? 
Dan: You’d really go out with some guy you don’t know? 
Serena: Well, you can’t be worse than the guys I do know.

Season 1

domingo, 2 de junho de 2013

Bisou bisou

But no matter what the new season brings, we'll always have Paris. Bisou bisou -gossip girl 

True love

But I am me, and you are you. We’re Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck. The worst thing you’ve ever done, the darkest thought you ever had, I will stand by you through anything. Because I love you.